The Art of Domino

Domino is a game that requires players to place a domino tile edge to edge against another in such a way that the exposed ends of both of the tiles show a number, either a one (single) or a pair (double). The player then wins by scoring points by playing all of his or her pieces.

The most popular types of domino games are called layout games, and they fall into two major categories: blocking games and scoring games. In blocking games, the object is to erect a line of dominoes so that it forms a barrier that prevents opponents from advancing any further. The most common sets of dominoes contain 28 tiles with matching numbers on both sides of each domino. However, larger sets exist, and more tiles can be used in a game, particularly when the game is played with multiple players.

In scoring games, the object is to build up a chain of dominoes so that, when it falls, the number on the end of each domino will be multiplied by a set value. Normally, each player plays a domino in turn and only when a domino can be laid.

Hevesh is an artist who creates mind-blowing domino setups. She starts by creating a theme or purpose for the installation and brainstorms images or words that might fit. She then creates test versions of each section before putting them all together. The largest 3-D sections are built first, followed by flat arrangements and then lines of dominoes connecting the different sections. Each piece of the installation must work perfectly, and Hevesh carefully tests each one using slow-motion video to see if it does.

Domino’s Pizza has long emphasized that its most valuable asset is its people. That commitment extends to its customers, too. As a result, the company has a reputation for listening to its customers and addressing their concerns. This practice has been evident in the Detroit Free Press’s Top Workplace surveys, as well as on the popular Undercover Boss television series, which shows Domino’s CEO Don Meij visiting Domino’s restaurants and analyzing the response from employees.

In an effective story, the scenes must fall smoothly in a coherent and consistent way, building towards a satisfying climax. If a scene in a fiction novel doesn’t logically follow the scene before it, or if the tension isn’t sufficiently raised, the reader will quickly lose interest. To avoid this, writers who are pantsters, or those who write by the seat of their pants, need to use outlines and Scrivener to ensure that all scenes tie in neatly. This will prevent a “domino effect” in their stories, in which the initial action of one scene causes a cascade of subsequent events that have little to do with the main storyline.